Saturday 22 June 2013

Come on Barbie let's go party

This week has gone so fast, and I can't quite put my finger on where the time has gone! This week I've been busy at work doing stock takes and becoming a receptionist for a few hours for the pop in store vets we have weekly. I swear Wednesdays at work have got it in for me, going by the past two weeks aha! 

This week has been popular in regards to people asking me questions where I simply haven't had the answers prepared let alone given them any amount of thought!
The question of the week this week has been what are you doing for your 21st and my answer has been the same I don't really know, because for the past two years my birthdays have been when I've been at uni and this year will be the same but my mother wants to do something because it's special. Getting closer to being 21 has scared me a little as that's when I'm an actual adult, like really me an adult ahaha oh god. So this morning I decided that instead of not being able to answer that question I'd sit down and have a think of what I could do. 

I've played around with a Disney theme but the character I'd like to be well their costume isn't exactly cheap which put me off a little cause I'd love to wear it more than once but I'm not one for splashing out on clothes. So I decided to get back on Pinterest and have a nose around at some boards and sure enough I was getting some ideas. Pinterest is a great way to organise ideas and can help with organising things such as parties and it's always good to browse through other peoples boards to get some inspiration which I did. 

So I went from looking at Disney themed food and decorations to suddenly thinking about a 90s theme to then going through my favourite tv programmes, bands, books etc throughout my 21 years and I'm actually quite happy with my board, but I've got three months to go so there are going to be some changes. It'd be nice to reminisce through the years about the things that I loved to what I love now, which I can't see being that different really. 

Thanks to Pinterest I have got some inspiration and am now looking forward to planning or rather giving my parents hints about what I want, after all I'm only 21 once! Now to count down the three months until my 21st and see what happens!

How has your week been? Has there been anything that has got you all excited, if so what? Would love to hear from you!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Mundane Midweek: What Happened Wednesday

So Charlotte has started a series of posts for lifestyle bloggers to share stories of their Mundane Midweek days. I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and give it a go - I like to see what people get up to, just a little nosey y'see. So here's my attempt at a Mundane Midweek: What Happened Wednesday.

Wednesday was an early start with my alarm going off at 6.30am and surprisingly I woke with a spring in my step and bright eyed and bushy tailed. I work in a pet shop which opens in the week at 9am so normally I get there 15 minutes before we open, but was needed in at 8am to do a stock count. 

The day was going fine, I algae wiped all the fish tanks, served on the till and generally it was quite quiet. Our area manager came in unannounced which threw us as she was supposed to be popping in today (Thursday) and from that moment onwards the day just went up in smoke (not literally of course, just figuratively.)

Our day was planned to get a lot of jobs done but with an unexpected visit and with only 4 of us in until 2pm we were running round like headless chickens trying to juggle jobs and at one stage I was in the juggling water changing the fish tanks, serving on the till and helping a customer! Definitely need more arms!

Dinner came and soon went and everything seemed to have calmed down a little, until there was a shout from one of my colleagues as an escaped budgie had been found high in the stock room. So there were three of us attempting to catch the little bird and I feel this would have been perfect for the time spent 'chasing' the little fellow!

Eventually though the budgie was tiring and flew into the staff room and was finally caught, after a little struggle of course. So after that excitement the day started to get a little quieter though the shop was full of dogs competing for loudest bark due to having vets in. Time to then carry on with jobs that should have been done by dinner time, so the plant tank was completely cleaned and then so were the shelves. 

Then it was 4.30 and it was time to go home but of course it was tipping it down and everyone asked 'hevv have you walked' 'yeah' 'you got an umbrella?' 'aha no' so a colleague gave me a lift home which was lovely of her considering she'd be scrambling the stack of pallets to get the budgie. So the rest of the night was spent being chilled out whilst watching some tv before crashing.

I'd like to read other Mundane Midweek posts that were inspired by Charlotte!

So how has your day been? Let me know :)

Monday 10 June 2013

She's up all night 'til the sun

Actually I've stayed out in the sun whenever possible until the sun disappeared! Missed that yellow thing in the sky.

Well, what a first week back home! 
This time last week I was driving back from Bangor in a car packed with all of my stuff after moving out of the house, sad times. Arrived home for 3 months and unpacked the car and this wasn't even half the stuff! Yikes!

Most of this week has been spent at work and typically it has been lovely outside but sweltering in the shop, not very nice in an all black uniform! Even the customers came in and said 'ohh it's hot in here' or 'it's hotter in here than it is outside'. So it was nice when I finished work on an early shift and could get a good few hours out in the sun. Being away at uni and not having a garden made me miss this beaut of a place even more, so with the sun out I was rather content with life, though a cider or two and a bbq would have been nice.

Hope you all managed to get plenty of time out in the lovely weather we had!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

First Quote Post

After seeing various posts of inspirational quotes I figured I'd give it a go and see what happens. 

I found this quote earlier and fell in love with it. It's one of those quotes that everyone can relate to after reading it and it does touch a nerve. It's even better that it relates birds method of flying to how we manage to pick ourselves up from falling. Being a zoologist I'd rather relate to an animal than a person, makes me feel a bit special and that anything is possible.
Will definitely be looking at this quote when ever I am feeling down for some much needed inspiration.